This mirror is cheap and has high reflectivity and is suitable for lasers up to 80 watts.
The disadvantage of this mirror is the difficulty in cleaning it and the ease of being scratched when cleaning its surface.
This type of mirror is made of very hard material and has the ability to withstand high power lasers (above 80 watts) and is not easily scratched.
The disadvantages of this mirror are that it is more expensive and reflects less light than the si mirror.
This mirror has better reflection than Mo type mirror, but it is less than gold-plated silicone mirrors, it also has high resistance and is suitable for high power lasers.
Disadvantages of this mirror include high cost, difficult production, and scarcity of this type of mirror.
This type of mirror is suitable for powers below 40 watts and is not recommended for higher powers.
* Also read the article How to adjust the mirror of CO2 laser device (view) *