The design and production of industrial electronic equipment is the main part of Pernak Electronics activities. Other activities of this company include manufacturing new equipment to order and according to customer needs, updating existing equipment, automating the production line, making places and workshops smarter, manufacturing security equipment and improving the performance of industrial equipment.
Parnak Electronics is one of the few Iranian companies that has designed and produced cnc cutting and engraving equipment and 3D printers. This company uses the most advanced design and manufacturing technology in its products.
These products are designed and manufactured based on local knowledge and are of very high quality.
Among other products of Pernak Electronics, we can mention the production of brushless motor drives in different power ranges with various capabilities and high controllability, as well as the design of dedicated user interface software for controlling the drive and motor through the computer.
Consult with Pernak Electronics and say what you want, our experts will advise you completely free of charge so that you can make the best decision.
Pranak Electronics specialists participate in training sessions daily to share their experiences with each other in addition to discussing and exchanging opinions regarding the articles and technologies of the world.
At any time of the day or night, our specialists are ready to answer and solve your problems and technical issues.